For the best cooling and heating auto repair service in Joppa, trust American Auto Repair & Performance. We offer a full range of heating and cooling system diagnostics as well as heating system and air conditioning repair and service. Our trained technicians are also masters of belt, compressor, and evaporator repair and replacement.
Heating & Cooling System Diagnostics
Auto Air Conditioning Repair & Service
Heating System Repair & Service
Belt Repair & Replacement
Compressor Repair & Replacement
Evaporator Repair & Replacement
Regular car air conditioning maintenance reduces the risk of premature compressor failure.
Service Details
Air conditioning services performed by us include:
Testing of air conditioning system for refrigerant leaks and interior cabin temperature
Restoring proper system refrigerant and lubrication levels
Restoring interior cooling ability
Why is it important to maintain my car air conditioning system?
Regular A/C maintenance enables proper system refrigerant and lubrication levels to be met
When proper system refrigerant and lubrication levels are met, the risk of premature compressor failure decreases
Allows desired interior cabin temperature to be achieved
How often should I have my car's air conditioning system serviced?
Air conditioning systems may lose 0.3-0.6 ounces of refrigerant yearly, which is why it's a good idea to have your air conditioning system checked yearly. That being said, if at any time you start to notice your interior cooling ability has declined, you should have your air conditioning system tested.